The Five:14 Initiative | Helping Children in Need

3 Reasons why education is important for childhood development.

Jun 22, 2022

As famous activist Malala Yousafzai asserts, "a child, a teacher, a book, and a pencil can change the world."

 Education is not only a fundamental human right but an essential tool to achieve a peaceful, just, and sustainable world.

But, when we talk about education, we are not only speaking about academic knowledge. It involves an integral development (physical, mental, and social) that includes food, health care, protection, cognitive and emotional stimulation, affection, and a safety environment.

Education is the best weapon to fight poverty and its devastating consequences.

Despite the progress of recent years, even today, more than 280 million boys and girls are not in school. And, a healthy childhood formation can be the key to the development of a new generation.

We share 3 reasons why education is important for childhood development:

1. It is a biological time that conditions the child for the rest of their life.

 It is a biological time that conditions the child for the rest of their life.

Several studies show that the brain lays the foundations of its complex functioning during the early child's growth phase . Observe how they can be curious about everything around them. Brain development depends not only on proper nutrition, but also on the experiences, opportunities, and stimuli to which it is being exposed.

The experiences that a child lives in the family environment and outside environments, such as school, are fundamental. In this sense, initial education plays an important role in the construction of certain cognitive and social skills.

2. Education builds and develops personality and your physical and intellectual abilities.

Education builds and develops personality

It is essential that children feel protected and valued so that the educational process, both curricular and emotional, is effective.  This will become a true engine of development to build more just and equitable societies.

On this stage, they discover their talents, capacities, and abilities to develop and identify with a true self, according to the values ā€‹ā€‹that were instilled in their initial formation. Such capacities include confidence, security, decision-making capacity, and happiness.

Education involves showing children the way.  With what they have learned they will become the protagonists of their own decisions, mistakes and success. 

3. Education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty

Education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty

There are very powerful tools with which, day by day, drop by drop, effort by effort, can generate changes that improve the lives of millions of people, one of those is education. It is the fundamental tool to defend oneself in life and the only way to end intolerance and violence, and achieve fairer and more equitable societies.

According to statistics, more than 256 million boys and girls do not have guaranteed access to education, one of the causes is: come include child trafficking, forced marriages, the use of child soldiers, or the need for girls to help caring for the household.

We are sure that education is the key to get out of that circle in which millions of children live trapped: the circle of poverty. And you can help them find that key that will undoubtedly open many doors for them to fulfill their dreams and develop their talents and abilities.

We, The Five: 14 Initiative, are 100% committed to children, their education, their health, their well-being, and our initiatives seek to address the causes. If you also believe that education is the most powerful weapon to change the world, you have many ways to help us achieve it, join us to give light, joy, and hope to those who really need it!

"He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he rewards them for what they have done." Proverbs 19:17

With your help, we will see children reach their full potential.

With your help, we will see children reach their full potential. 

Become a participant of our initiatives with a one time or recurring donation. Use the following button to give quickly and safely by card or e-check:

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The FIVE:14 Initiative is a non-profit organization comprised of motivated men and women who care about the present and future. Our mission is to address the needs of children in the foster care system, in need of food and clean water, lacking education, living on the streets, and being trafficked.

We collaborate with individuals, companies, and community partners to bring resources and provide them with long-term support.

We do not see helping children as a trend, it is a lifetime commitment.

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